
Why Brazil

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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Buy Real Estate in Brazil!

Why a house in Brazil?

The likely appreciation of your Brazilian home

Real state generally appreciates over time. This is true around the globe. Having said that, it seems to me like, Brazil is in a very special situation. If you buy a property in Brazil the appreciation of your home is likely to be high. This is because of the clear pent-up demand for property in the country as well as the current low performance of the Brazilian Real (which is likely to hike the price of properties soon when the currency increase in value). All in all, if you own a property in Brazil besides having an amazing house you will also be making a great investment.

Relatively low cost of homes (including beachfront properties)

Buying a home in Brazil as a foreigner is still relatively cheap if compared to other countries with the same level of development. This can be explained by two main reasons. First, Brazil is a “continental country” with lots of land. Thus, this explains the greater availability of homes and land at a relatively low price. The second reason to explain the relatively low cost of homes here is the currency exchange. The Brazilian Real has had a great deal of devaluation in the past few years. For instance, in 2020, the Brazilian Real lost 30 per cent of its value. Over the course of the last year, the foreign exchange rate went from USD 1 : BRL 4.02 up to BRL 5.19. This means a great opportunity for you to get a home at a cheap price if you act fast.

Cheap cost of living

Brazil is a cheap country to live on a budget. Sure, you could spend a lot of money if you are in one of the major cities (think Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo), but if you decide to buy your home in a smaller town things are very affordable. Don’t believe me? Have a look at an overview provided by Numeo in terms of cost of living. In my experience, if you make 1.500 to 2.000 USD per month you can have a very comfortable life in almost any city.

Already good (but also expanding) infrastructure

Brazil already has a good infrastructure in terms of roads and aviation. You can pretty much get to any place by plane, bus or car. Still, what is even better is that the government has plans to finally implement a great railway infrastructure in the following years.

Economic and political stability

Let us be honest. Latin American countries have never been known for their economic and political stability. However, one could argue that Brazil (together with Chile and Uruguay) are countries where things are stable. This means relatively low inflation, no riots left and right and the rule of law.

An amazing culture

We already talked about a lot of somewhat “objective” reasons why you might want to buy a home in Brazil. Yet, apart from those, perhaps one of the big things you should also consider if you intend to buy a Brazilian home is the  amazing culture of the country. Brazilian culture and the people living here are generally warm, vibrant, and very open. In short, you will just feel happy. I might be a little biased when I say that since I live here, but I would include Brazil in the special category of “one-off countries”. This means the countries that are so special that you unlikely will find something very similar in other places.

Good weather

Once again this might be an overlooked factor by many people. But Brazil has amazing weather. In most parts of the country, you will have “not too hot, not too cold” weather. Think something between 15 to 35 degrees Celsius and sunny days. This was definitely one of the biggest drivers in my decision to move to the country 8 years ago.